9 Tips for Choosing the Perfect Baby Gift Set

9 Tips for Choosing the Perfect Baby Gift Set

Shopping for the perfect baby gift set can seem like a daunting task—there are many factors to consider. It’s important to choose something age-appropriate, safe, and functional. What’s more, picking products that are made from high-quality materials is always a good idea, especially given the growing rise of allergens among newborns. The gift should of course be special, perhaps even something that can be passed down to the next generation. Finally, you must consider what items will be useful to the parents. How can you get it all right?

The easiest way to find the perfect gift that meets all these qualities is to purchase a gift set. The perfect set will include a number of items that have been carefully selected with the needs of parents and babies in mind and are sure to delight the receiver with their thoughtfulness. Here are some tried and true ideas for getting a gift set they’ll remember.

1. Pick a Theme for Your Baby Gift Set

When buying a ready-made gift set, one based on a theme is a great option. For example, it may be centered around bedtime, which is a special and important part of any parent and baby’s daily routine. Gift sets built around a bedtime theme may include blankets, onesies, and adorable toys for baby to snuggle with, all of which will be popular items with parents and babies alike.

A bathtime gift set is another wonderful choice. You can choose something designed especially for a newborn with soft washcloths, towels, and soaps that are gentle enough for a baby’s sensitive skin. If you're shopping for an older child, you may want to go with bath toys to keep them happy and entertained during bath time.  

2. Create Your Own Gift Set

If you enjoy shopping and want to make your own baby gift set, there are several directions you could take:

  • Create a theme—this could be related to a time of day (bedtime or bathtime, as mentioned above, or a number of other fun occasions) or match a popular nursery theme such as sea creatures or farmyard animals
  • An “essentials” set that includes a little of this and that, with a wide range of items such as toys, bottles, wash clothes, and wipes
  • Go homemade with a gift that you make yourself and include it with a bundle of fun essentials.
  • Purchase gifts from the mom's favorite baby boutique
  • Include some items that are useful for new parents, like a sleep mask for those precious moments when mom can relax

The more thought that goes into your gift set, the more the parents are sure to be delighted and happy to receive it.

3. Think About Sizes

Newborn clothes are always a safe bet to ensure mom has everything she needs when she comes home from the hospital. These adorable little outfits can often be found in gift sets offering a variety of cute and stylish pieces in a similar size. Since the parents will be going through several sets of clothes a day, they really can't have too many.

Related: A Quick Guide to Baby Clothes Sizing

That said, since babies do grow so quickly, you can also purchase clothes in larger sizes. This will give the parents more options, and they won't have to worry about buying new clothes a few months down the line. This is especially true of the unique or personalized pieces you may want to include in the gift set. Purchasing an additional size will extend the time the gift can be worn and enjoyed.

It’s also important to consider the different seasons and the weather in the area where the baby will grow up. Is he or she a winter baby? If so, cardigans or jackets, hats, and little shoes that will keep them warm both indoors and outdoors might be a good fit for a gift set. Summer babies, on the other hand, will need clothing that is more lightweight and easily removed so that they don’t overheat.

4. Sentimental Gifts are a Great Option

Sometimes it's OK to get a little sappy with your gift set by including some items that are sure to bring back fond memories in the future. You could personalize your gift by adding the baby's name or birthday. You could also seek out some decorations for the baby’s room, like paintings or special stuffies that are sure to bring back wonderful memories. A book personalized with your sweet message inside will also delight both parents and baby.

If it's a special occasion like a christening, a gift that reflects the occasion is sure to be appreciated. You can find many beautiful and meaningful gifts to choose from, such as christening gowns with bonnets, prayer plushies with security blankets. You could even pick an heirloom gift set, including items such as crosses and Bibles that can be passed down through the generations.

5. Pick Something Age Appropriate 

There's a reason most baby items come with a recommended age. It may seem like something that is ideal for a baby, but there may be small parts that are easy to swallow. Because of this, you need to be conscientious when gift buying.

If you aren't sure if a gift is too advanced for a baby, don't be afraid to ask for advice. If the gift is a perfect fit, parents can always put it away to be used at a later date. If they don't have the room for storage, however, perhaps put off buying that cute princess carriage or Power Wheels car until the baby is old enough to use it. High-quality baby goods stores should be your first port of call because they will often have age guidelines for their items and gift sets. 

6. Consider Safety First

More generally speaking, make sure that whatever gift set you buy is safe for babies. As they begin to move around and explore their environment, they will frequently put things in their mouths. Be conscious of items with small pieces that can fall off easily. This is especially true for toys—choose plush, high-quality stuffed animals or wooden ring toys, etc. Think twice before buying plastic items—plastic can break easily, and it may contain harmful chemicals. Instead, natural toys with no harsh dyes or chemicals are a great way to go.

When buying clothes, be aware that some fasteners may also be prone to coming loose. Look for brands that use high-quality and durable materials. Fabric is paramount. It needs to be appropriate for baby's sensitive skin and durable enough to last many washes. Some ideal materials include muslin, linen, wool and cashmere. Organic is a good choice because it limits the use of harmful chemicals like dyes and bleaches, so it’s better for the baby and the environment alike. 

7. Don't Forget Functionality 

Some baby gifts are adorable—but sadly impractical. These are often items used for decoration in the baby's room, like ceramic figurines or crib bumpers. They look cute, but they don’t offer any other benefits. In the case of the crib bumpers, they may even be dangerous

Related: Where to Shop for Baby Clothes: What Factors to Consider

Instead, add something to your gift set that is both decorative and practical. Stuffed animals are a great addition because they can be used to decorate the baby's nursery, and once the baby gets a little older, they can become a beloved little friend, following baby for years as they grow. 

Some other practical choices include:

  • Baby first aid kits
  • Bibs
  • Spill-proof snack cups
  • Teether toys
  • Sturdy suction cup plates
  • Cribs
  • Bottle brushes

Again, mixing the practical with the sentimental, well-loved, or adorable gift options will elicit appreciation from parents and delight from baby.

8. Simple but Appreciated 

Now that you have a better idea of what type of items go well in the perfect gift set, it's time to purchase. Don’t be afraid to include some more obvious items as well—unsurprisingly, most parents will appreciate diapers and wipes. This is something that they will probably never have enough of, and it could save them from a late-night trip to the store when they run out.

9. Presentation Matters

You want the parents to be excited when they see the gift, and this means preparing your gift set with more than just the plain cardboard box that many items come in. There are multiple methods you could use to add the perfect finishing touch to your gift:

  • Baskets are a great way to show off the gifts inside. They're easy to package, and better yet, can be used again—for example, parents can place diapers, bottles, or baby blankets in a sturdy basket.
  • For practical purposes, boxes load into a car easily and you can use traditional wrapping paper for the outside—if you’re a pro at wrapping. After opening, the presents can fit inside the largest box, and you don't have to worry about the parents losing anything as they head home. You can add bows or even use some of the gifts like baby toys to decorate the outside.
  • For a touch of elegance and class, high-quality gifts can often be packaged in beautiful, classic packaging ahead of time to give a stunning, luxurious appearance—and you don't even have to worry about wrapping it. A signature box with a satin ribbon can give your gift set a classic look that will make the gift opening itself a delightful memory.

Find the Perfect Baby Gift Set on Elegant Baby 

When the occasion calls for the perfect baby gift set, the options are nearly endless. Stick with high-quality gifts that blend the sentimental with the practical, and you can’t go wrong. 

If you want to find the perfect luxury baby gift set that is sure to be appreciated, Elegant Baby can help. Our beautifully presented products are designed with care and expertise and are always crafted from the highest quality materials. Shop our personalized collection today and choose from a wide range of exclusive toys, blankets and apparel to create a gift set that is unforgettable and shows just how much you care.
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